Administrative communication is a specialized business that has certain conditions that must be taken into consideration when designing and planning its location. Preferably in the planning of the institution building from the outset. Therefore, the selection and design of the site of the administrative communication center in any institution has a significant impact on the effectiveness of the work of the papers and information, whether received or issued by the institution. The quality and multifaceted efforts and activities required by telecommunications work out the details required for the design of contact center units to the extent that the efficiency of the work performed can be affected. This center was established with the beginning of the administration of the university in 1967 and was called the issued and the then more comprehensive name in the meaning of "management of the administrative communication center" Finally, and more specifically in the jurisdiction became the administrative communication center after the reorganization and structure and support of electronic services. Send To Friend Print Page Error Page Add Page Link To Your Site

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10/13/2021 11:42:26 AM